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best Creatine monohydrate

By Bodybuilding Ysf - Wednesday, January 7, 2015 No Comments
Creatine monohydrate is as creatine most used by bodybuilders and at the same time the most sold in the market is one that includes all the benefits provided by creatine. In sum, it is considered the best creatine.
Creatine monohydrate
                                                                                                               Creatine monohydrate is the type of creatine considered the most used sports, but also the cheapest. This is a very effective creatine, it is a safe bet. It is scientifically proven that it has no risk for our organization. It is wrong to believe that creatine monohydrate has adverse health effects such as the fact that abyss kidneys or taking causes impotence ... But taking creatine monohydrate, will not result in the fact that your muscles will inflate quickly Taking creatine must be combined with intensive training. Muscle mass take while taking creatine as well as training.
 Creatine monohydrate is composed of a molecule of creatine combined with a water molecule. It inherits its name from "mono" (single) "hydrate" (water). This is a creatine that is odorless and has virtually no taste. Its dilution removes the water molecule and release the creatine molecule in the liquid. However, this dilution is difficult and is hardly optimal, as creatine monohydrate is easily dissolved in water.

Creatine Monohydrate

 Creatine monohydrate Creatine provides the molecules necessary to maintain the energy level by promoting the formation of molecules of phosphocreatine in the muscles involved. This is a necessary process in the replenishment of ATP stocks when muscles are subjected to an intense workout.
 Creatine monohydrate

 Creatine monohydrate is the form of creatine most concentrated. Indeed, in 1 gr of creatine monohydrate, there are about 880 mg of free creatine. Know the different types of creatine are less proportionate "free creatine." Creatine monohydrate is the most stable form of creatine. This is the form that best creatine is maintained and that the risk of deterioration especially in creatinine are more minimal. Therefore, it can stay longer, unless it is stored away from moisture.

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